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Race: Angel

Height: 6’0”

Weight: 180 lbs.

Abilities: Hypnosis(causes one to reveal their deepest, darkest, desires) 

Super Strength

Super Speed

Demon face

Immune to Alcohol intoxication.

Magical capabilities

(In the realm of Hell, Lucifer's powers are unlimited. He can literally do anything he wants power wise and magic wise while in Hell)

Love interest: None yet

Children:Channah and Arias

“Who am I? Why, I am the devil of course. Cast into hell because I didn't agree with everything Father said, or believed in. Some may call me crass, me, I call myself alluring. I have traveled far and wide, my last expedition was a rather long stay in Tijuana, Mexico. I have found traveling on Earth a bit of a drag, I say, I must return to Hell. No Father, it will be no torture world as you would have me run. It will be of a timeless nature, people from all over reality will be welcomed with open arms. Now Father, I will of course continue to torture those of malice intent, the sinners as it were, in a private basement of my own creation. The rest of hell will be an ideal residence for any who may find themselves there. I am the ruler of Hollow Oaks, and it will not be hollow at all, as a matter of fact I would prefer it to become rather lively.”

As the monologue reaches its end, there are a few things one should know of Lucifer, so they aren't caught off guard at all. Lucifer is all about fun. He cannot stand creatures that decide to throw their once given life away for carnal pleasures and a life of sinning though, hence why he is of course, the Lord of hell. He is a bit socially awkward at times. Luci is rebellious. He has been since creation. God had ideals that Luci thought were too strict for those that were earthbound, not everyone is perfect and he would never ask them to be. Lucifer wants you to be yourself, without completely giving up on your life though.


To be continued as rp moves forward….

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