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~¤~ Other Names: Princess Velora Norrora Wysarieth

~¤~ Character Type: Elven Hybrid (High Elf/Blood Elf)/Ancient,  the liquid that flows through her veins is unknown, though what does remain certain, is that if her blood should ever be taken by force, or consumed without her consent, it will physically, and mentally harm those individuals.

~¤~ Actual Age: 52

~¤~ Gender: Female

~¤~ Parents: Princess Shyonia Valeneros Norrora (High Elf/Blood Elf/Ancient){Birth Mother} 

Prince Noah Aenwyn Wysarieth  (High Elf / Birth Father)

~¤~ Love Interest: None

~¤~ Skin Tone: lightly sun kissed

~¤~ Hair Type/Color:  Reddish Blonde and Long

~¤~ Eyes: Interchange from hazel /greyish silver/gold

~¤~ Height: 5' 6"

~¤~ Weight: 118 pounds

~¤~ Body Type: Slender and toned.

~¤~ Voice/Accent: Soft, no Sylvan accent

~¤~ Identifying Marks: N/A

~¤~ Dress Style: Nobility style of the Eladrin court.

~¤~ Personality Traits:


--»Empathic - Showing an ability to understand and share the feelings of another. "An attentive, empathic listener"

--»Strength - The degree of intensity of a feeling or belief.  If something is wrong or she doesn't agree with something, she has never been afraid to say so.

--»Determined - having strong resolve in decision making and the fortitude to go through with decisions or ideas no matter the opposition.

--»Sensitive - to an empathic level.  Has empathy with others and adepts to others moods.

~¤~ Sexual Orientation: Undetermined

~¤~ Skills: Master in Apothecary, she used skills from her grandmother to make medicines and certain herbs to heal wounds.  She can be devious if necessary like her father, she can tell for instance is someone is telling the truth or if someone is lying. She has elite marksmanship, similar to that of her father, when she shoots, she doesn’t usually miss. 

~¤~ Combat: Training mostly from her father, but her greatest combat form is from a distance.  If she needs to battle she will do so with a crossbow.  She is not the best at up close combat, she doesn't have the strength to follow through.

Elysium Aspect: She will feel as if she was one with the Elysium Planes/Fields

Elysium Senses: All her senses are heightened to their optimum state.

Elysium control: She is able to control the Elysium energy within her...  Only the energy within her.

~¤~ Weapons: Crossbow.  Boddice dagger if she has to get away quickly in imminent danger.

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