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~¤~ Current Name: Draven Levine

~¤~ Other Names: Baron of the East

~¤~ Character Type: Vampire

~¤~ Year of Birth: Unknown

~¤~ Actual Age: 950

~¤~ Gender: Male

~¤~ Marital Status: Single

~¤~ Love Interest: Lura Blackwind

~¤~ Skin Tone: Pale

~¤~ Hair Type/Color: Long and white

~¤~ Eyes: Gold

~¤~ Height:6'5"

~¤~ Weight: 245 pounds

~¤~ Body Type: Lean, toned.

~¤~ Voice/Accent: Dark, lulling, mysterious

~¤~ Identifying Marks: N/A

~¤~ Dress Style: Leathers and cloaks, easy moving and ornate

~¤~ Personality Traits: Intelligent, Strong Willed, Determined, Problem Solver, 

~¤~ Sexual Orientation: Find out


~¤~ Lands he is in charge of:


3. (Open) - 

10. Crimson Village - Mostly a housing district, many different types of dwellings and manors built around this area to house some of the beings that live within DarkStone.

6. Twin Swords Tavern and Inn - A seedy tavern - perfect for barfights! - This is a dangerous tavern! The fare is mostly soup and bread for humans, willing blood dolls, blood wine and rare steak for the darker beings, humans can pay extra for a cooked steak if necessary... and fights break out almost every night. There is even a "private" table for smuggling, bribery, and all manner of subterfuge. The owner sleeps in the loft area above the room used for barrel storage. The cot in this area is for whatever poor serving wench the owner has "taken under his wing for the night." No doubt all manner of nefarious crimes and misdeeds occur beyond the cellar door at the base of the ladder!

8. Blood Port - Mostly a port for Exports and Imports into DarkStone, heavily guarded by some of Arcana's personal trained Elite forces made up of Demons and Vampires to protect the goods both going in and out and kill off any thieves that attempt to steal.  Though that rarely occurs for the few decaying heads on pikes near the edge of the port to show what will happen.

15. Nox Circle - A bustling place full of merchants selling farm fresh goods, clothing, jewelry, armory and whatever else your heart can desire could be found in that one little area. A market for all kinds, even there you will find entertainment, taverns, Inn's, almost anything a business place could have.

12. Boone Mountain: This is a fortress built and formed inside the mountain range by a dragon named Daario Boone. There is only one entrance/exit, and Daario and Arcana are the only two who can get through the magic wall that encloses his home. He has been there for a great many years, mostly keeping to himself until the time of the Crowning of Princess Amelia Rose-Shadow. It seemed that after the Coronation, Daario found himself out and about a whole lot more often than he once was.

13.  Guarded Port - Mostly a port for Exports and Imports into DarkStone, heavily guarded by some of Arcana's personal trained Elite forces made up of Demons and Vampires to protect the goods both going in and out and kill off any thieves that attempt to steal.  Though that rarely occurs for the few decaying heads on pikes near the edge of the port to show what will happen.
That should be put in his profile

~¤~ Skills: Enhanced Hearing: Ears pick up every single sound and can decipher layer upon layer of noise; has the ability to pick up a conversation from twenty feet away in a busy room. May even mutate into echolocation.

Enhanced Smell: Users can detect specific smells and locate their origin. Some may even be able to tell if someone is lying by which hormones they excrete.

Enhanced Taste: Users may be able to detect poisons or other problems, usually accompanies enhanced smell.

Enhanced Touch: Some can feel so acutely that to rub the user's hand on a paper would be like reading the page, sensing every bump ripple or wave. Some may even be able to tell of distant occurrences felt through vibrations in the earth.

Enhanced Vision: Can see with amazing clarity, distance, or color, perhaps even in a different spectrum of light or into other dimensions if given enough focus time.

Stalking: The user can move without sound, crouched down or even standing along a wall, permitting them to move without detection. If one is spotted however, the focus is broken, and the user will need to run.

Shifting:  The user can shape shift at will into an animal or into a puff of smoke. Can change into a Mist form as well, usually used for a quick escape from certain danger


Enchanting:  User can enchant lesser beings to bend to his will.

~¤~ Favorite Quote: TBD

~¤~ Background: Story: Draven Levine was 28 years at the time of his transformation. He lost track of his sire and didn’t find it necessary to seek him out. He knew what he needed to do, he had lived in Darkstone his entire life, he didn’t need his Sire to guide him in the ways of vampirism. Once upon a time, he used to enjoy hunting, and fishing during the day, but when he became a vampire, of course, he had to live at night. He is the Earl of Crimson Village, having grown up there, and trained to become an efficient military member. He worked his way through the ranks and was able to remain on the force after his transformation, due to Darkstone being a very vampire friendly kingdom. He was a Sergeant in the military (or medieval equivalent) He took his job even more seriously after his change and wanted to become top dog. The village had a lot of respect for him as he grew and evolved. He met a young woman before he got changed, and they had a wonderful time with her. She has long since passed. He decided not to pursue matters of love anymore and focus more on making the military in Crimson village a formidable force.



Well, his non pursuit of love kind of went up in smoke when he was at the castle the night before the coronation.  He was wandering the halls, his military training making him scope the layout when he ran into a beautiful timid fledgling in the halls leading to the bedrooms.  She was so scared, so shy, but sweet.  This intrigued him especially when she asked him for a dance at the coronation, that was supposed to be his job!  He indeed intends to stick around... for she made a heart that he thought was dead beat again... especially being the chylde to General Blackwind... this had him more curious.


More to come in play.

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