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~¤~ Current Name: Mileena Levine

~¤~ Other Names: Mistress

~¤~ Character Type: Vampire

~¤~ Year of Birth: Unknown

~¤~ Actual Age: 348

~¤~ Gender: Female

~¤~ Marital Status: Single

~¤~ Love Interest: None

~¤~ Skin Tone: Pale

~¤~ Hair Type/Color: Long ringlets and Rosy brown

~¤~ Eyes: Piercing Blue

~¤~ Height:5'6"

~¤~ Weight: 125 pounds

~¤~ Body Type: Lean, lithe framed.

~¤~ Voice/Accent: Soothing, lulling, soft

~¤~ Identifying Marks: N/A

~¤~ Dress Style: Sexy gowns... fit for her establishment

~¤~ Personality Traits: Intelligent, Strong Willed, Determined, Seductive, Honest...takes charge

~¤~ Sexual Orientation: Find out

~¤~ Skills: Enhanced Hearing: Ears pick up every single sound, and can decipher layer upon layer of noise; has the ability to pick up a conversation from twenty feet away in a busy room. May even mutate into echolocation.

Enhanced Smell: Users can detect specific smells, and locate their origin. Some may even be able to tell if someone is lying by which hormones they excrete.

Enhanced Taste: Users may be able to detect poisons or other problems, Usually accompanies enhanced smell.

Enhanced Touch: Some can feel so acutely that to rub the users hand on a paper would be like reading the page, sensing every bump ripple or wave. Some may even be able to tell of distant occurrences felt through vibrations in the earth.

Enhanced Vision: Can see with amazing clarity, distance, or color, perhaps even in a different spectrum of light or into other dimensions if given enough focus time.

Stalking: The user can move without sound, crouched down or even standing along a wall, permitting them to move without detection. If one is spotted however, the focus is broken and the user will need to run.

Shifting:  The user can shape shift at will into an animal or into a puff of smoke.


Enchanting:  User can enchant lesser beings to bend to his will.

~¤~ Favorite Quote: TBD

~¤~ Background: Mileena grew up decent enough. She learned how to make drinks and clean at an early age, her parents having her do just that for them.She made small amounts of money during her teenage years while working as first, a bar tender for the Dark Winged Inn, she then moved on to waiting tables, as she got older. She was changed into a vampire at age 21 in human years. She had spent the good portion of her formative years working for the Dark Winged Tavern and Inn. Over time, she would take over the tavern herself. Using the money she had saved up to purchase it from the previous owner who was really just getting tired, older and bored of the tavern. When Mileena took over she introduced something else to the Inn. She introduced Courtesans. It was that move that caused her tavern to start booming. Men and Women from all over the empire would stop in occasionally to purchase a good time. Mileena pays her men and women prostitutes very well, and they get to keep any tips they make during their erm... services. This is not slave running, and therefore was not illegal under the Empire's laws. She never actually got paid for sex herself. She did get paid to talke with people who felt lonely and afraid. One such being she met that did spark her libido, was one Draven Levine. Their relationship started off as fun little moments of make out times and such, and evolved into a hyper sexual relationship for a while.  Eventually, she realized that she really enjoyed being the Madam of the tavern, and became known as Mistress, since she didn't participate in the acts herself. Her Draven became very close, and she asked him to change her when she turned 21. She wanted to remain beautiful for ever. She also wanted the boosts to her physical body that came with being a vampire. So she could better protect her workers from dangers they would often face, depending on the person paying for the act. She has kicked out a great many problem causers, and has even banned quite a few individuals. As her business boomed, though, she began to feel over worked. She met two young men who were delinquents at the time she met them, already having been in trouble for 'special plants' and more, when she decided to take them under her wing. There came a time when Hons and Kloss asked her to change them as well, and they promised to help her out with the tavern in any way she needed them too. Sometimes they were guards, sometimes they were cooks, sometimes they were waitors. They really can get moved around at any point now and help Mileena in any way she may ask of them for the tavern. They have remained fiercely loyal to her since their change and the relationship with her grew. She takes on a bit of a motherly role with the twins, giving them life advice and guiding them on a better path than they were on before.... more to come as play develops..

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