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Name: Annabelle 

Race: Guardian Angel

Powers: Healing, calming aura, spells of different types, (conjuring and summoning mostly) 

Special ability: She seems to have a special affinity to animals, and young children, up to the age of 10, she seems to be able to speak to animals and understand exactly what an infant wants. (Dr. Doolittle esque guardian?)


Annabelle is a young angel. One of the most recently created in the silver city, she is still learning her own personality, as well as learning how to use different types of magic she has access to. The only one that has been clear to her, is her ability to speak to animals and have them speak back to her, infants are a similar story. She seems to be able to speak to them as well, though those around her hear a bit of baby gibberish, she can understand and speak with an infant just as clearly as she can speak to another grown human. She has no history of charges yet. Annabelle has never had an official charge, this is how young she is. When she is placed in RP, she has entered the mortal plane for the first time in her very short life. TBC via RP!

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