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Age: 7,169


His physical appearance is 20 years old


Height: 6’5”


Race: Vampire


Orientation: Bisexual



Yaksha Blackwind

Demetri Blackwind

Alystar Blackwind

Karlie Blackwind

Kylie Blackwind


Powers:  Super Hypnosis, super strength, super speed, super regeneration factor Allure. Krishna can charm just about anyone of either sex, it helps when he needs to feed. (nowadays he only feeds from willing participants...this was not always the case, however.)


Skills: He is a very skilled hand to hand combatant, though he chooses not to fight most of the time. He is very handy with a hammer, able to forge weapons that most cannot. Krishna can talk his way out of almost anything...He has seen both the best and the worst humanity has to offer, and knows how to appeal to either side.


Weaknesses: Silver, Beheading, stake to the heart(paralyzes him)

Sunlight must be invited into any residence unless it is public or his own.


Krishna Serxes has a very interesting story behind him. He is one of the first recorded vampires to exist. As far as most vampire historians know, He was the First vampire. Krishna started off as one of the poorest individuals from his village. There is not a whole lot of history recorded at all from where he came from. The only stories you get are from the man himself. On a water retrieval job one night, Krishna began exploring a nearby stream. Krishna was 18 years old at this time having just entered manhood, he wanted  to do more. He was tired of the same job, the same day in and day out. Fortunately, or unfortunately, he got that chance that night.

(The Lamp)

Krishna’s exploration led him into a cave he had not known was present near his village. The moss covered rocks proved to be quite difficult to traverse, he scratched up his arm pretty badly on one nasty fall. Anger started setting in and he was not enjoying his impromptu expedition...that is until one moment, the moment that changed his life forever. 


CRACK, CRUMBLE, The cave entrance collapsed on itself, Krishna thought there was no way out...he knew he was going to die there...pissed off at himself for the choices he made, he sat on a large rock, seething in anger. As he sat in his own anger, a glint caught his eye...a particularly shiny glint. “What is this?” he asked himself cautiously as he moved toward it. “Dammit.” What he saw was an old, dusty, nearly broken  down dark blue oil lamp with gold accents..once upon a time, it was probably a gorgeous item, but now it appeared useless. He reached down to pick it up, scoffing at the idea that this would not help him at all. He set the lamp down next to him and began to think about different ways he may be able to get out, he had tried yelling...though he knew better, this cave was a good mile at least from his village. He made his way back to the rock he had made his final seating spot. Reaching down he picked up the lamp. “Stupid thing..” He said, as he began to dust it off, he could at least make this look pretty….by now boredom was setting in, and if nothing changed, panic was sure to follow.. 


As Krishna dusted off the lamp, something amazing happened. Dark purple smoke began to pour out of the spout, a constant stream of smoke billowed out of the spout, falling toward the ground in a smokey puddle. Soon, the smoke that had puddled up, began to rise, and change shape. Within moments, a very, very beautiful young woman stood in front of him. She wore a two piece outfit, purple top, barely wrapped around her breasts, gold accents lined the edges of the fabric. She had long dark black hair that fell in waves around her chest. Her pants were (Modern day Capris) Style, asloa light purple with gold accents. She smiled sweetly at him and spoke. “I am XIanne Requiex...I am a genie, and rubbing the lamp makes you my master. You get three wishes I can grant you. But you must know a few things before you get started.” She held up her right hand, extending her pointer finger, and curling the rest of her fingers toward her palm. “First, I am cursed to grant your wish -Exactly- as you speak it, so speak carefully.” Her middle finger extended next. “Second, I cannot kill anyone. You can wish for it...but I can’t do it...what will happen instead, is likely your own demise.” Her third finger raised. “Third, I cannot make anyone fall in love. Love is a more powerful magic than even a genie can understand...the last person who attempted to wish for love…..well, they got real acquainted with a don’t want the details, I assure you.” She explained. Crossing her arms and staring into his eyes.


Krishna’s eyes had widened at this point, he was simply amazed that this creature actually existed. “A genie? Wow…” She began to spout off rules he needed to keep in mind, and he took mental notes of them as she did so.  He realized that at least one of his three wishes could get him out of this cave, but he did not want to use his first wish for that...but an idea occurred to him. “You are a Genie, this means, if the legends are true, that you have access to what may seem like unlimited amounts of power, correct?” She nodded. “Well, nearly unlimited….I did just tell you things I cannot do…” She said softly.  He nods. “Now, do you have to grant a wish to help someone in need?” She shook her head.  “As long as you are in danger, or need some sort of quick help, I can do that.” He smiled back at her. “Can you please get me out of this cave?” She looked around. “ are in a predicament aren’t you?” She says, as she takes in the depth of the situation. “Sure. I Can do that.” She said, as she snapped her fingers, dark purple smoke would surround their feet, and swirl upward around their bodies, this would pick them up, and port them outside the mouth of the cave. 


(time passed, Krishna has promised Xianne freedom with his last wish.)

Krishna used his first wish to transform his family into nobility. They became the leaders of their own village, which grew and prospered over a span of a few months. Krishna’s second wish was for wealth beyond measure. This corrupted the young man, and on the eve of his 20th birthday, he made the mistake that would forever change his life...again...but it was his own fault this time. Xianne does not forget when he used his last wish for immortality, she was not happy….not even a little bit. She granted him immortality, oh yes, for that is what she is cursed to do..he wished it, he gets it. Had he not broken a promise to her...who knows what would have happened, but because of his choices, she granted him a forever tortured immortality, she turned him into a vampire, never to see the light of day again….


As time passed, more to Xianne's curse became apparent. The first thing that Krishna noticed, was his prodigies, Demetri and Yaksha Blackwind seemed to have magical powers. It was not clear how they had it, until Krishna continued to observe his bloodline. When Yaksha created his first prodigy, she too, was infused with magical capabilities, as Valestat was born it was the same once again. Even down to the strange, natural birth of Theron Firenze. The curse had an expansion, that Xianne never told anyone. Every vampire, AFTER Krishna, but within his blood line would have magical abilities. Krishna did not. His powers grew and matured from the basic vampiric structure of racial abilities. Ones that grew stronger and more advanced the older you got. Later, it would be discovered that anyone connected to Blackwind/Firenze bloodline would in turn gain magical powers, after they mated with a Firenze/Blackwind if they didn't have powers already. If the mate is an opposing, and different blood line, after they mated with a Blackwind or Firenze, they would gain magical powers as well, that would trickle down through the bloodline's tree starting with whichever member had sexual relations with a Blackwind or Firenze.  The final part of the curse, was that at the end of days, whoever was left in the Blackwind/Firenze blood line would be aligned with the side of good, no matter how much evil they performed over their life, they would always end up good guys/gals.


It was during this time that a plague struck the village his family owned, some could argue that it was more residual effects from how Xianne decided to grant his last wish….it will never be proved if she had anything to do with it, of course. This left Krishna alone in a world that he couldn’t even see bathed in daylight anymore. Krishna grew darker and darker because of it.  Krishna began to refine some thievery skills, living in the shadows, he also learned stealthy assassin moves…he would get thirsty, he had to find a victim….


Many, many years passed as Krishna killed, robbed, stole….the real question would be...what didn’t he do during his time as a vampire. At his 500 year old mark, he led an entire group of vampires. Changing those he somehow connected to in his search for blood...Kris became a powerful leader of the vampires, his own nest growing to well over 300 vampires in his prime, around 5,000 years old. 


4975 years into his life

Muyana….the child served as a minor turning point for Kris...this young man, abused by his parents, treated as a slave. Kris scoped this kid out, and watched him for a few years. One strange night however...Muyana’s beatings reached a severe point...and then….he vanished. The kid vanished from the earth…..he was gone for a somewhat undetermined amount of time…..(WHat happened to Muyana? Well, that origin story is currently being played out.)


Well into his later years, Yaksha had surfaced...Kris  knew who this man was...for it was Kris that changed him. Some time after Muyana’s re appearance, Kris took him under his wing..he taught Mr Blackwind everything he needed to know…and still use today. It was soon after he saw what Yaksha became because of his training…that a more Jaded feeling began to surface inside Kris. He had seen the best and the worst, and the strangest humanity could offer at this point, and every single different type of human he met...always ended the same way…..death. Humans were there to die….and not much else...everything in their life leads to a pointless end…


What’s the Point?

Kris began asking himself this. Realizing he was on the run a whole lot less when he found volunteers to feed him...he began to travel a different where he would not go out of his way to cause harm to anyone, because...they will end the same way everyone does...Krishna simply began to care even less about anything… This is the Krishna you will likely meet. The man who never goes out of his way for anything because he just does not care enough to get involved with anything. (RP shall thicken the book on Krishna Serxes...providing you can get him to care about anything.)


Morrowind Nexus - An amulet which when equipped removes a vampire's weakness to sunlight, weakness to fire, and frightening appearance. - Krishna three thousand years ago took this amulet from a rebel vampire Icarius that he had to defeat when Icarius attempted to kill his son Yaksha.  He was hard to kill because of this daywalker ability and when Krishna raided the body and took all the jewels and amulets to a witch for potential power information, he received the information of the Morrowind Nexus,.  A necklace that never leaves his body under any circumstances, one of his most prized possessions.


Ring of Invisibility is a legendary item that permits the wearer to become invisible.  Anything the wearer is wearing or carrying becomes invisible with the ring bearer, this includes whom he is carrying.


Lust ring - actually created from the second circle of hell or what's known as the lust ring.  A part of the second layer's essence was enchanted into the ring, the wearer will become almost irresistible to those the wearer wishes to enchant, no dice roll is strong enough to push back hell.  For a vampire, it is enthrallment without the actual work. 




As he stood with his arms crossed as he freed her. There was a very strange sequence of events that happened in Krishna's head... and to the area as a whole. The moment that Lily, in true joy and happy tears voluntarily ran to Kris and hugged him, and took off immediately to her family. His eyes would close suddenly, and a strange force of unknown energy would erupt from Krishna's center. It would ripple from him, and rush over the lands, the castle, the Blackwinds would suddenly feel as if heaven or hell had been shifted from one side to another... Krishna dropped to his knees, and covered brought his hands up to his face. "What.....'" He growled, but the growl began to fade... Some strange light would surround Krishna, and pulse through his body, causing him to fall face first to the ground. Cishara, would now witness what could only be described as a fucking miracle. His short black hair would suddenly grow down to his butt, his skin glowing a purple color, the magic pulsing from his body and suddenly even the atmosphere would change around him, he would feel immediately welcoming to Cishara.. she may likely feel her anger suddenly simmer out. Minutes would pass, the purple energy glowing and pulsing around Krishna's form, finally, he would get to his hands and knees, and get to his feet. He would turn toward Cishara, and open his eyes. A bright flash of purple would erupt from his eyes, and when it cleared, his soulless gray eyes would now be a vibrant and bright, glowing purple in color. "Cishara Denari. I want to right now, immediately apologize, and offer my body to be beaten, shredded, abused in any way you feel I deserve for my treatment of you. I am so sorry..." The words had a haunting air to them... a calming air... His voice had even lost it's cold touch, and sounded warm, and welcoming suddenly.


Now a new Krishna emerges.  One that is of different allignment and in atonement for his past...  Where will this atonement take him?

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