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Human Form


Full Shift

Valestat Blackwind



Full Vampire form: The wings are not always present, he can withdraw and extend wings when he chooses.
Though when he does extend them his strength and speed massively increase


Name-Valestat Blackwind



Birthday-at this point, unknown


Age-over 500 years old, appearing to be mid to late twenties



Parents-Cassaius and Sierra; deceased

Sierra was a Seer, this could explain to some degree, where Valestat’s energy sensory abilities come from. Very little is known about Cassaius, some believe he was some form of magic user, a sorcerer or a warlock...Val is still looking into these facts….


other family-No immediate family left. Has a friend he considers family; Joel

Valestat had a family, yes, he did. 
Original wife: Katalina Blackwind
Child: Arno Blackwind

Arno and Katalina are long since deceased. Val murdered his own son 50 years after he became a vampire, and Katalina, died of old age, and had 
no idea why Valestat never returned home that fateful night….


RP earned family: Valestat is the father of a younger vampire, the young vamps name is Theron Firenze. During a strange stint in an alternate reality, Valestat got his -former love interest: Lia, pregnant. Thus, Theron was born. Theron feels estranged from his father, blaming Valestat for everything except the sky being blue. 


Marital Status- He has been married one other time in his past, he was married when he was changed.


Love interest- Akaisha Lanai Sabirah


Child- Theron Blackwind (son of Tamerlia Angelique Star)


Other relatives:

Yaksha Blackwind {Father}

Demetri Blackwind {Uncle}

Alystar Blackwind {Uncle}

Kametri Shadow-Blackwind {Nephew}

Lura Blackwind {Cousin}


Hair color- Black


Eyes-Change from Black to Red if enraged


Height- Human form: 5'10'' Vampire form: 6'1''


Weight-186 in human form 195 in vampire form


Body type-Lean and Tone in Human form, Chiseled and Muscular in Vampire form


Voice/Accent-Slight Common accent, it has changed as long as he has been away from original home


Dress Style-Wears a loose fitting tunic and tight fitting leather pants with black boots


Personality-Loyal, Honorable, Hero complex, Honest, Just


Languages-Common, Elvish, some others he is not as fluent at


Enhanced Senses
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Speed
Hypnosis A.K.A Glamour
Magic e.g. offensive, defensive and crafting


Archery, when he has a bow, though he hasn't owned one for a very long time now


Accelerated Healing factor
Wings, to be explained in the background eventually


Valestat is very gifted with crafting magic. Making something out of nothing is practically the man's Mantra.

 Valestat is accompanied by a guardian angel named Joel who has been with him since before Val was a vampire, never appearing to him and fully introducing himself, or making himself known to Val until after he was changed. Joel is a very unique angel, as you will see from the info below about him. Valestat is not of pure blood descent. His extra powers that any normal vampire would not have were granted to him as he showed himself to be a worthy protector of the innocent. He gained these abilities about 50 years after he became a vampire.


If Val kills an innocent for any reason, He will lose his guardian angel and be stripped of the majority of his powers. Joel stands by his side to ensure that he never falls into a blood rage and does just that. Their dynamic is well known to the places and locations Valestat has visited. During the years following his personal breakthrough (The murder of his son, Arno) Valestat made it his goal to help anyone that he can. Because of this, Valestat and Joel have saved many, many lives, and changed twice as many. These valiant efforts allowed Valestat to regain his soul, and thus his ability to transform between his full vampire form, and that of a mere human. Valestat and Joel seem to appear on their next 'case' purely depending on how much fate thinks their talent will benefit the problem.


    “But does he need to feed?” I am glad you asked that. No. After Valestat chose the path of redemption that he chose, Joel cast a charm upon him, that caused his son’s blood to recycle through him on a daily basis..this allows him to always feel as if he just fed….It seemed fitting that to help with his path of redemption, it be the last cold blooded murder he ever committed...a somewhat dark, yet effective reminder that Valestat does not Kill, or Harm innocent people. He has an extra soft spot for those that are defending loved ones…..

Sitting in one of many a tavern Val has visited, He discusses with the keep just how he became the way he is. "Are you sure you have time for a story?" Val asks as the tender nods and says "Please take your time" 



"Very well. My story begins a long time ago when I was human. My family was a military family, a well known and respected family of the age. I was 26 years of age when my commander sent me on a scout mission to discover the reason why many villages had been laid to waste as of late. He had suspected the enemy army was behind it and asked me to search for any enemy encampments and to return to him with a full report.


As I made my way through the harsh terrain, I searched for an enemy encampment, but what I found was nothing of the sort. I discovered a single vampire. He was holding an innocent woman in his grasp as he drank the blood from her neck. I noticed a flash of green as I caught sight of his eyes when he noticed me. Never flinching, or stopping I watched him drain the woman dry of the entirety of her life force. 'STATE YOUR BUSINESS!' I bellowed to the fiend. The vampire dropped her to the side like a sack of old flour, no remorse upon his face as he spoke. 'Just who do you think you are to be making demands of me.' I remember it as if it was yesterday, his voice was cool, smooth and threatening as he walked over to me, not worried at all about the sword I had drawn when I came across him.


'You will never stop me, but you may however join me, whether you want to or not' The words had hit me like a dozen daggers all piercing my body at once. Suddenly as if not a second had passed, the vampire was upon me. 'Know now young man, that your life now belongs to Yaksha!' He had said as he easily disarmed me and placed his mouth upon my neck. I blacked out." The mead within his tankard a brown in color, he sloshed it around as he told the bartender his story.



"The next thing I remember, I woke up. The surroundings are not recognizable. After Yaksha had bit me, he must have taken me somewhere far away from my original patrol grounds. 'Good morning Fledgling, I bet you thought I was going to change you and guide you through what it means to be one of my kind?' Yaksha grinning slightly as he spoke. 'As your Maker, I release you' I felt an invisible rope drop from between us, one I didn't know existed as I had just woken up.


'Changed? You turned me into a vampire?!' I yelled incredulously. My eyes became a dark black in color and now they flashed red as Yaksha spoke those words and then vanished in front of me in a puff of green smoke. The next 50 years were a blur, I cannot tell you what I experienced in that time, only what I did and what I was responsible for. The lives of many are on my hands. I took more innocent lives than could be counted and I regret that every single day of my life.


The frenzy finally ended with a very tragic accident. During my travels I had come back across my family, or what was left of it at the time. My wife passed due to natural causes when my son was 43 years of age. My son tried to stop me from terrorizing the village he had sworn to protect in my absence. I did not recognize him as he stood against me. I barely remember the fact that I did face off with him. In a flurry of fangs and swords, I stole my son's last breath from his body." Valestat lowered his head in shame as a single tear fell from his eye, a tear of blood as he didn't have normal tears anymore.



"As that last breath escaped his body, there was a moment where my original humanity hit me like a ton of clay. I ran back away from the village after slaughtering my own son and didn't turn back. A few months passed and I made a new decision. Never again will I harm another innocent being. I held my word for many years when finally Jericho took notice and allowed Joel to return to me. He had been stripped of me when I was changed and I had not heard from him until he returned. To protect me from myself, allowing me the ability to shift between human form and vampire, he also cured my bloodlust by causing the last blood feeding I had to recycle and refresh constantly. The charm will only be broken if I ever feed again." The bartender nods, "it seems as you have chosen your path, may you never stray"

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