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Age: Somewhere around 5000 years old.


Human Name: Muyana (This was his name long before having a last name was that common)


Status: Widowed




Violet Numenesse-Blackwind - Daughter,

Mother was Nienna Numenesse-Blackwind (Deceased) 




Aerilyn Blackwind

Valestat Blackwind


Other relatives:

Demetri Blackwind {Twin Brother}

Princess Amelia Windsor Shadow-Blackwind {Sister in Law}

Alystar Blackwind {Brother}

Lura Blackwind {Niece}

Kametri Shadow-Blackwind {Nephew}

Theron Blackwind {Grand Chylde}


Orientation: Straight


Hair color: Jet Black.


Hair length: at least 2 feet in length. He usually ties it up in a ponytail. 


Eye color: Black, flashes to light green during rage or spellcasting.


Height: 7 ft


Weight: 260 lbs Solid


Build: Lean, Muscular


Nature: Analytical, Calculated, Highly Intelligent, Deviant, Cunning


Yaksha has roamed the world for many millennia. In his wake; pain, suffering, torture follows. Yaksha came from a much older that was cursed himself by a genie he betrayed. His master is Krishna Serxes.  A somewhat complete list of his abilities will follow his bio. Now let us hear who he is from the man himself.


"I am Yaksha, I care not whether you like me. I am not here to make friends. I am here for my own goals, goals that reach far beyond that which your meager mind can fathom.”


He didn't have much to say but that is to be expected of him. He says very little but his path is not one many have been fortunate enough to survive. He is responsible for the vampirism that changed Valestat from the man he once was to what he is now. Yaksha has been known to plant seeds of suggestion within certain minds he may come across and cause them to bend to his will without ever realizing it.


He is a wanderer by nature and currently has no realm that he calls home. He will move in and out of places, sometimes undetected, sometimes leaving a trail of destruction as he passes through, but he won't fight right off the bat. His usual method of attack or toppling a ruler is to move in, be stealthy, become friends with people and gather intel of his target, preferring to talk more than fight Yaksha is very deceptive.


His abilities include but are not limited too:

Magical inclination, due to the curse placed on his sire


Elite speed

Elite strength

Elite senses




Mental Manipulation

Suggestive Seeds


Black Magic


His abilities tend to change at times he needs them most. That is a baseline of the vampire you have just met.


There will be more added to his profile as he travels through these realms and makes his mark in one way or another


“Would you like to hear a story? One told from a third person point of view...almost as if I watched it happen at a later time….”

Due to a special library he encountered during his travels, Yaksha learned a great bit about where he came from. What you are about to read, happened in that very library. This library allowed one to view their memories first hand, as if they went back in time, but the kicker of course, is the fact that as you sink into your memories...or you sink into the history books here, you cannot interact with the world around you in any way. Your mind takes the trip, your body remains motionless within the library, protected by charms, and wards that will ensure you remain safe during your mental journey.


 Yaksha then took the scroll and placed it on the part of the item that she directed him to. nodding to her as she left finally, he closed his eyes, and focused on who he was before he was changed. The words written upon the scroll and the item powering up, Yaksha was transported into the past, deciding to just watch on the sidelines, he took himself to the night before he was changed into a vampire. The library would dissolve around his view as what was replaced by it was


sunlight, so bright, it hurt his eyes, sand filled the room, as the floor then disappeared beneath his physical body a hot wind blew across his face, as people began to appear in front of him, in doses so to speak, one would pop up, followed by a group, followed by a single person once more. 


Yaksha took all of this in, it began to seem somewhat familiar as the setting completed itself.There stood Muyana, he was at what appeared to be a pedestal, the clothing he wore was that of a nobleman of ancient egypt, he had no shoes on, a loose fitting shirt hung about his torso, he was not wearing pants, but what looked like a loincloth, as gold chains hung around him. Yaksha couldn't tell what position he was holding in this time period, but it was one of authority, which was a good start in Yaksha's mind.


People surrounded him as he spoke of a cure to all ails

being gold according to his past self, he seemed to have a cart of goods sitting a few feet behind him, adorned with random jewelry and clothing. A small assortment of weapons scattered about the desktop. "Listen, all who come, Muyana has made a most exciting discovery! As the pharaohs are immortalized with jewelry and valuables of all kinds, I believe that I may have discovered the fabled fountain of youth!" 


Yaksha's current self, blended in to the crowds as he said

 nothing and watched himself from afar. "I met a man, a few eves ago this day, that only came out at night, he offered me a choice, should I follow him and allow him to bestow his gift upon me, or do I try to bring youth such as yourself to meet him, After giving it serious thought, I decided I should show as many people as I can, the man, introduced only to me as Krishna, He informed me that should I bring any wayward souls to him, I must meet him not far from Giza, in the middle of the night!" Muyana was very charismatic, as current Yak finally deciphered who he was, he wasn't a noblemen, he was a con, a fake, a fraud, grinning to himself, he thought 'it would appear as if I have always been one for sly actions' He smiled lazily and continued watching



The way the people were entranced by his voice, it was strong, commanding, when he spoke, people listened, so not much had changed since then. "Who wishes to have eternal life? Come, Approach the stand, so that I may gather your information upon this parchment." Slowly people began talking amongst themselves, they were all too leary of any sort of magic or immortality, truth was, it scared them, and they were confused as to why Muyana would be interested at all.


"Does no one choose to have a life as long as they wish?" past Muyana said, aware that he was losing his audience little by little, as he spoke of such things. "Very well then! suit yourself! I for one must meet Krishna once more and see what he has to offer." He said as he stepped off of his stand and moved towards his cart. as he moved things around little by little, a couple people began to approach him. "Excuse me, Muyana is it? Might you lead me to Krishna tonight?”


Muyana smiled to himself before he turned around and spoke back "Of course I can, here, follow me" He said as he lead the first that asked away from the cart. Current Yak was becoming bored, so he focused on a time a little bit later, when he would see Krishna himself, the surroundings dissolving once more as he thought this through, the moon would rise, the wind calmed, and the temperature dropped significantly. Yak took in his surroundings here.


Sure enough Giza towered above him, shadowing the pyramids on either side of it, one being incomplete he noticed a beautiful man standing somewhat away from where current Yaksha had appeared, not even noticing Yak, since he decided to continue watching from the sidelines, as Muyana, with three people in tow made their way to the opposite side of the pyramid from where Krishna stood. The man was truly beautiful, looking upon him, one would never think he was hiding such a dark secret, he wore a long white flowing gown, his hair was blonde, his eyes a sharp, dark blue, he stood at roughly 6 ft, the skin soft enough to have been kissed by an angel. The slight breeze shifted Krishna's hair as he made himself known. when he spoke, even current Yaksha was entranced. His voice was calm, he had the feeling of age in his voice, he only appeared to be around 18 years of age, should one put a number upon him.


 As Muyana and his group saw Krishna emerge from the shadows, he spoke to them. "Good eve, Muyana, you have done what I have asked, and therefore you are safe." Muyana was immediately confused. "Shouldn't they all be safe?" But as he spoke Krishna made his move, in a speed that no one could possibly follow, except current Yak, the two people with Muyana suddenly cried out in pain, but was quickly silenced, as blood spurted from their necks, Krishna appeared in front of Muyana and spoke once more "I was thirsty, and you lead them right to me, for that I must reward you" Muyana’s heart suddenly increased, and sweat began to form upon his brow. "You never told me you would kill them, in fact quite the opposite!" He protested, but Kris did not care, "You did as you were told mortal, and that is all that concerns you, now do you want eternal life?" Muyana sighed, "I don't know, that looked dangerous, can I think some more on it?" He asked.

 Krishna's eyes took a darker tone, "You have had plenty of time to think, I do not like to be kept waiting" With that once again, a speed that no one could follow, Krishna was suddenly behind Muyana, his fangs plunged deep into the boy’s neck, as Muyana’s eyes rolled up into his head, Krishna then supported his weight. The blood was very good, and Krishna almost lost control for a moment, this man had potential. he then pierced his tongue with a fang, as a solitary drop of blood fell upon the boy’s punctures, they would heal immediately, sitting down with Muyana’s motionless body, Krishna took one of his nails and sliced into his wrist, and Muyana’s wrist, placing their arms together, as Krishna's blood mixed with Muyana’s. Current Yak then decided to travel a little bit further back into the future and thought of the few days ahead that Muyana would need for the transformation to complete

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